What is Co-Sponsorship?
Co-sponsorship is a model of resettlement where a community group partners with a local resettlement agency to provide specific services and financial support to a newly arrived refugee family. This type of volunteer commitment is incredibly important to the work of welcome. Co-sponsors bring an essential level of commitment, continuity, and care for the refugees they serve and significantly multiply and extend the services refugees receive. Co-sponsors are overseen by one of our local resettlement agencies who provide each co-sponsor team with in-depth training prior to working with a family and continued support throughout their service period.
Co-sponsorship Requirements
Across the UFVRA - Australia network specific requirements for co-sponsor programs vary by local resettlement site, but in general co-sponsors are expected to do the following:
1. Form a team and select a team leader
2. Commit to a designated time of service
3. Raise and donate financial assistance
4. Sign a commitment form with your local resettlement agency
5. Devote time each week to assist the family
6. Receive a background check
7. Complete an orientation process
8. Follow guidelines from local resettlement agency
If you and your community is committed to serving refugees through co-sponsorship, register below!
Services Co-sponsors Provide
Each one of the local refugee resettlement agencies in the LIRS network are required by our government partners to provide specific services called core services to each refugee they resettle. Co-sponsors help to provide certain core services in addition to other support services that aid in refugees’ integration into their new communities. Local offices determine which core and support services they want co-sponsors to provide and have them outlined in their commitment form that co-sponsors sign.
Examples of Core Services Co-sponsors May Provide:
1. Home Set Up
2. Furnishings and Supplies
3. Seasonal Clothing
4. Pantry Stocking
5. Welcome Meal
6. Airport Pick-Up
7. 24-Hour Home Visit
8. Transportation
9. ESL Enrollment
10. Selective Service Registration
11. School Enrollment
Examples of Extra Support Services Co-Sponsors May Provide:
1. Community Guide
2. Grocery Store Orientation
3. General Health Orientation
4. Financial Education
5. English Language Tutoring with our partners
6. Job Development
7. Public Transportation Orientation
8. Continued Transportation Assistance